build your drawing kit

Which drawing materials? Considerthese options...
Explore and experience different mediums by stocking up your drawing kit with this suggested list of materials:
- willow charcoal
- compressed charcoal - soft, medium and hard
- soft pastels
- coloured e.g. set of primary, secondary, and tertiary colours
- earth tones e.g. black, grey, white, sienna, burnt sienna, umber, burnt umber, Indian red, sanguine, madder brown, van dyke brown, yellow ochre,
- portrait colours
- medium or hard pastels e.g. square pastels made of pure pigments such as sets by Monte Marte, Daler-Rowney or Faber-Castell Polychromos can be used to produce broad, flat areas of colour and detailed line work
- crayons
- oil pastels
- graphite pencils ranging from 2b -12b (12b gives the darkest tone)
- an assortment of drawing pencils perfect for portraits, sketching, landscapes e.g. Conté Sketching Pencils, or Lyra Rembrandt Art Specials set which contains chalk, charcoal, and carbon in colours that include sepia, black, white, and shades of brown.
- woodless coloured pencils
- water soluble pencils
- graphite sticks - ranging from 2b-12b
- water soluble graphite
- kneadable eraser - perfect for charcoal and fine details
- paper stumps (tortillons) for blending - small, med, large
- plastic erasers - keep some whole, and cut some into wedges for fine detail
- gum eraser
- craft knife to sharpen pencils
- scraps of canvas or calico for cleaning the surface of hard erasers
- fixative spray for charcoal and pastels. "Workable Matt" is recommended.
Monte Marte has a great range of student quality art materials at budget prices. Check them out at www.montmarte.com.au.
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