news + events
Did you hear? ilovedrawing swapped Sydney for a far away tree change and is now exclusively online. It's ART sans borders.
A sincere and heartfelt thanks goes out to all the wonderful students who took up an easel under my tuition. I've seen you all blossom, some into professional artists. What a privilege and blessing!
After announcing the big move, some folks wrote to say they were sorry they didn't sign up because they felt intimidated. Some wished they'd attended more classes, but life got in the way. Some peeps had heard great reviews and had earmarked a course for the near future. Then covid hit, then I relocated. We take for granted that opportunities will always be available to us ... The good news is that you can still experience ilovedrawing online, however not all classes are on offer.
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Click the button to download the 15 year anniversary special edition newsletter and read about my humble beginnings.

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Sydney Tower Eye Drawing Class in the Sky
special events
I've had the pleasure of conducting a sky high ilovedrawing workshop at Sydney Tower Eye, teaching my local community at Marrickville Library Handmade Arts, teaching instructional classes for TAFE NSW Design Centre Enmore, teaching life drawing, fashion illustration and portfolio workshops for tertiary art and design students, plus a TV appearance drawing body partson Embarassing Bodies.

Marrickville Library Handmade Arts

Sydney Tower Eye Drawing Class in the Sky
Follow us on instagram @ilovedrawingau #ilovedrawingau #drawplaylove #drawingclassessydney