The ilovedrawing masterclass is my specialty. Since 2005, I've helped all kinds of people realise a powerful dream: draw with realism.
From absolute beginners stuck at the 'stickman' stage, to professionals secretly lacking confidence in their drawing skills, if you've burned with desire to master the art of drawing, and learn to draw with realism, this value-packed foundation drawing course is for you! Learn skills for life.
before and after student drawings

masterclass - complete drawing course
Learn the fundamental principles of drawing and draw with confidence in only 8 weeks by making a crucial shift to the right side of the brain. This drawing boot camp is not for the faint-hearted! It covers everything you need to know about drawing with realism: sighting, measuring correctly, applying perspective, shading, materials and proportion. Plus, it changes the way you see the world.
To understand more about the Right side of the brain, click here to watch an inspirational TED talk by neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor.
Ready to see the world in a more beautiful light?
online class Details
40 min weekly online session via Zoom
$800 / 16 lessons over 8 weeks
slide show & video demos
weekly tasks
Receive log-in 24 hrs after payment
The online masterclass course is scheduled when minimum 4 numbers have been met. Join the wait list via contact us.
A3 drawing pad, 2B - 6B set of graphite pencils, hard and soft erasers, tortillons. A list of complete materials is available for students prior to start.

more student testimonials and before and after drawings

gallery of student works
I am blessed with the most beautiful students. Here is a gallery of selected works completed during the ilovedrawing drawing masterclass course, from 2005 to present. Thank you all for being so wonderful!
"Loved the course, all was explained beautifully and I'm really pleased with my results." - Maria
"The teaching of all skills on this course were exceptional. I enjoyed each class enormously and came away feeling that I had learnt a great deal. Each class built on existing skills and gave me new skills that increased my confidence in and enjoyment of drawing." - Jo
"Anyone can draw coming out of this." - Roger
"I feel like in 8 short weeks I have really started to produce more mature work. I also am no longer worried when doing faces." - Pearl
“The course was really effective in bringing into focus innate skills in drawing and observation that I was completely unaware of. It required a little discipline and dedication, but in the end it was an immensely satisfying experience that I have continued to build upon long after finishing the course.” – Ken, architect.
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