foundation series drawing workshops

Learn fundamental principles of drawing in this selection of 1 day drawing workshops focusing on key foundation skills. Once you learn these skills, you can apply them for life! Choose from the list below.
workshops are unavailable until further notice
ilovedrawing has moved out of Sydney, far far away and is now operating exclusively online. In-studio classes and standard core offerings are paused until further notice.
Still feeling pangs of love? Don't worry, you can join the weekly online open class or masterclass course.
beginners learn to draw
term 1
10AM - 4PM
4 places only
Learn and apply the fundamentals of observational drawing - measuring, proportion and shading - to create a fully modelled, realistic still life drawing that you can proudly display . A solid foundation for beginners.
To book your place in a workshop go to enrol page and follow instructions. Places are strictly limited and bookings are essential. Workshops take place on selected dates only, as posted on timetable.

beginner student still life
term 2
10AM - 4PM
4 places only
beginner to advanced
Learn proportion and anatomy of the face and head, and take accurate measurements from life to create a fully modelled self-portrait.

for the love of drawing
term 3
10AM - 4PM
4 places only
beginner to advanced
Free your creativity and imagination with spontaneous responses and gestural mark making. Explore and develop an untamed, intuitive and highly personal visual language by responding to various stimuli - music, subconscious imagery - and connecting to your emotional centre. Pure uninhibited joy!

sketching perspective
term 4
10AM - 4PM
4 places only
intermediate to advanced
Learn to sketch landscape and architecture with loose and fluid movement by applying freehand principles of perspective.
Follow us on instagram @ilovedrawingau #ilovedrawingau #drawplaylove #drawingclassessydney