ilovedrawingspecial series drawing workshops

What was Picasso's Blue Period about? Was the CIA involved in Abstract Expressionism? Wish to learn about art history or an artist in detail but don't have the time to to complete an art history course? In this special series of 1x day workshops, I draw from my years of lecturing to combine practical exercises + art history + art theory = educational fun!
Due to relocation workshops are unavailable until further notice.
10AM - 4PM
4 places only
beginner to advanced
art history inspiring new art
A selection of artists and art movements are singled out for discussion and we'll look in depth at particular artists, designers, illustrators, and art movements for creative inspiration. Plus, expand upon your own art practice by learning about the life and history of contemporary and historical artists and their unique creative process, ideology and contribution to the evolution of art as we know it.
Only 8 special series workshops per year, in weeks 2 & 10 each term*
To book your place in a workshop, please go to the enrol page, click on the booking link and follow instructions. Places are strictly limited and bookings are essential.
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Follow us on instagram @ilovedrawingau #ilovedrawingau #drawplaylove #drawingclassessydney