The Sanskrit definition of Yoga can be understood as 'union' or 'connection'. The focus of yoga drawing™ is to create a state of conscious connection with the intuitive, creative, eternal self at our core.
It's not drawing whilst striking a yoga pose, it's tapping into your true self. Put your asanas aside, grab some pencils and plug into your pranayama.
ilovedrawing has moved out of Sydney, far far away and is now operating exclusively online. In-studio classes and standard core offerings are paused until further notice.
Still feeling pangs of love? Don't worry, you can join the weekly online open class or masterclass course.
yoga drawing™ : a process of self-discovery
exclusive to ilovedrawing
Drawing is the expression of the soul, and is as much a spiritual practice as a creative pursuit. After completing research for my masters on Contemplative Education and the Slow Art Movement, I'm pleased to offer a holistic drawing class that integrates the benefits of meditation and art therapy (at cheaper rates). Yoga drawing is a great way to detoxify and release the tensions of the week through mindfulness and playful therapy.
A blend of guided meditations and uninhibited art-making, the only requirements for this class is to be:
- open to the transformational experience that true engagement with the present can offer
- open to discovery, with an inquisitive mind and approach of "let's try this and see what happens, even if nothing happens"
- non-judgemental and open to play
- respectful
10.15-11.15 AM SAT
refer timetable for dates
$30 per class
4 places, adults only
all levels, no prior experience necessary
bring A3 paper & craft materials e.g. crayons, pencils, watercolours, scissors, glue pens
Book & pay here
yoga drawing retreats
Stay tuned for upcoming yoga drawing retreats. Devote an entire weekend away in the country connecting with your higher self, cleansing your energy field of toxic emotions, and igniting the power of your dreams. For expressions of interest please contact us.
a little more on the slow art movement ...
As we respond more quickly to the fast-paced world around us, we could be losing the ability to live in the moment and contemplate a deeper, more meaningful existence that can be gleaned from slowing things down.
Contemplation is a way of slowing down the pace of life and the practice of contemplation or mindfulness has long been linked to Eastern philosophies of yoga and meditation known in ancient India as Vipassanã.
Marina Abramovíc has drawn on this technique in her performance art and she concludes: "I truly believe that long durational work is the most important type of work right now."
Aligned with the philosophy of the Slow Art movement and Abramovíc, I place great importance on the role of contemplation in my art practice. I seek to gain insights into the role and value of contemplative practice for artists and arrive at new meaning and knowledge of temporal and spatial experiences.
Don't worry, unlike Marina, I won't be asking you to count grains of rice!
visit the contemplative academy website
The contemplative academy website provides an overview of Contemplative Education and the services provided by Dr Patricia Morgan, teacher, contemplative practitioner, researcher, community developer and artist, currently working in the area of Contemplative Education to assist individuals and institutions interested in contemplative philosophy. Learn how you can benefit from MM (mindfulness meditation) and other contemplative practices, and more.
Follow us on instagram @ilovedrawingau #ilovedrawingau #drawplaylove #drawingclassessydney